Monday, May 2, 2011

My favorite Finals Prjects

1. There will be Blood
 Her process of using journey of the hero backwards for a villan was brilliant.  I loved it.  It made perfect sense since his character was getting gradually worse rather than growing. 

2. Black Swan.
I did black swan and so did another girl. I did characteristics of the trickster while she did the goddess.  I reallly appreciated her going from the virgin to the crone.  This is a method I never would have thought to use but is definetly there and it worked well. 

3. Princess and the Frog

Not only was it an entertaining presetation but She really made me want to watch the movie and try and see aspects of mythology.

4.The Warlock
Um I had no idea WTF he was talking about.  But yeah still etertaining and fun hahahaa

Overall this class opened my eyes to what was really going on around me.  Mythology is everywhere~